This Freezy Freakies Store is Officially in Summer Hibernation Mode
Summer is here (for us at least)! While spring may have just sprung, we like to get a head start and our store has now entered its Annual Summer Hibernation Mode. This means all gloves are now out of stock until...
Last Chance Sales Event: $10 off kids' gloves thru 3/31
Spring has sprung, which means our annual summer hibernation is just around the corner. On April 1, this shop closes for the summer, and then it's an agonizing months-long wait until we restock gloves again this fall. So if you want...
Our totally romantic Valentine's Day promo is active now through Feb. 9
Nothing says romance like a kitschy pair of color-changing gloves from your childhood totally covered in hearts.With that relationship advice in mind, you can use the code below to get $10 off any pair of gloves with a heart on it. That's Unicorn, I Love...
Limited Restock Event! Most Gloves Are Back In Stock!
Our crystal ball failed us again. We thought we'd at least have decent stock to last us into the new year, and then all you Freezy Freaks cleaned us out of most of our stuff around the holidays. (FYI we're not complaining)But...
Holiday Shipping Info (2023 edition)
So far this season, deliveries have been reliably on-time, which is a good sign. But holiday shipping situations can deteriorate with little warning (never forget Shipageddon 2020!), so our best advice is please don't wait until the last minute! Standard Shipping option General info...
Black Friday Promo Details (11/17-11/27)
It's holiday promo time, and we outdid ourselves this year! First of all, we have season-long discounts on any purchase of 2+ pairs: Discounts page But beginning Friday 11/17 and going through Cyber Monday 11/27 (or earlier, if supplies run out), when...