A Guide to Skiing's Most Important Day of the Year: Gaper Day

We've seen pics of Freezy Freakies gloves showing up at Gaper Days at ski resorts all across the country over the last few years. So if you've ever witnessed this craziness, or if you're just curious and wondering "what in the world's a Gaper Day?", then we know a few things about you: you probably shave at least occasionally, you have likely never owned a super-discounted season pass, have never been on a pre-dawn skinning mission and probably DO still bother going skiing on weekends. For you hygienic masses, the folks over at Jackson Hole's Buckrail have put together their hilarious and informative little Gaper Day Guide. Since Freezy Freakies are the unofficial glove of Gaper Days worldwide, please give it a read, grab your Freezy Freakies and join the next Gaper Day at Jackson Hole or really any resort near you! 

Buckrail logo


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